June 10 2010
Yesterday, the National Milk Producers federation board of directors approved a recently formulated proposal that will request a major overhaul of U.S. dairy policy. The group's goal is to better protect...
June 9 2010
The National Dairy Shrine (NDS) recently announced the winners of the 2009 Graduate Dairy Production, Progressive Dairy Producer, Pioneer, Distinguished Dairy Cattle Breeder, and Guest of Honor awards....
May 17 2010
Now that the tax filing season is complete, farm accounting reports are beginning to be compiled and distributed to the dairy world. Those reports only quantify what we already know, 2009's losses were...
May 14 2010
A growing A.I. trend is literally changing the look of the U.S. dairy industry: Herds are becoming more colorful. Black and white still dominates the landscape, but a gradual shift toward color is clearly...
May 12 2010
Last week we reported the recent jump in sales for pizza giant Domino's after launching its new recipe for pizza which coincidentally (or not so coincidentally) included 50 percent more cheese. Jim Montel,...
May 11 2010
June 2008 Jefferson County Dairy Breakfast This young visitor was able to get to know one of our Guernseys visiting the feedbunk. Our cows are fed two times per day (after each milking) and spend a lot...
May 10 2010
Stray voltage by its very name and nature is a difficult entity to trace. And when it is suspected of causing harm on a dairy, it can be a testy condition to eliminate. Such was the case at Bollant Farms...
April 28 2010
National Dairy Quality Award Winners From more than 220 applicants, these operations stood out for having produced high-quality milk consistently. Applications were evaluated for measures of quality, systems...
April 25 2010
I place this class of Holstein cows D C B A. In a close placing, I give D the advantage in width of rump and levelness from hooks to pins. D also shows more veination and quality in her fore udder. I do...
April 14 2010
Hoof care, foot disorders, and lameness issues have evolved greatly since the original Hoof Atlas was published over a quarter century ago. With that in mind, the International Lameness Committee developed...
April 13 2010
America's top dairy county was host to 30 teams from Universities across North America last week at the annual North American Intercollegiate Dairy Challenge. In the end it was the home-field advantage...
April 12 2010
The National Dairy Shrine is again looking for applications for its annual awarding of scholarships. Applications must be completed by May 1, 2010. Official scholarship application award forms are available...
April 9 2010
Anyone who milks cows wants demand for their milk, and the more the better. But as producers saw all too painfully in 2008-09, expanding to meet that demand comes with risk. Recent news from the U.S. Dairy...
April 7 2010
The 37th annual National Ag Day was held throughout the country on March 20 to celebrate the importance of agriculture in our country. As part of the celebration, seventh through twelfth grade students...
April 6 2010
One of the most successful leaders of the purebred dairy cattle industry passed away April 6 just eight days shy of his 93rd birthday. James F. Cavanaugh joined the American Jersey Cattle Association in...
March 29 2010
Choosing a college can be a difficult decision for young people. Searching for and finding the right school can be quite a challenge. We've taken some of the searching out of the equation by compiling...
March 18 2010
Milk prices will move higher in the years ahead, according to a report to Congress given by FAPRI (the Food and Agricultural Policy Research Institute at the University of Missouri). FAPRI makes projections...
March 10 2010
While many dairy farms in the U.S. and abroad are trying to dig their way out of the most recent milk price crisis, a 200-plus person group of producers and industry, mostly from Canada, met in Toronto,...
Feb. 18 2010
As you watched National Football League games this past season, you probably saw the commercials promoting Play 60. That's the NFL's initiative to promote 60 minutes of activity every day for youngsters....
bl_Ever-Green-View My 1326-ET.gif
Feb. 16 2010
Update in 2016: New record holder. Ever-Green-View My 1326 -ET now holds the record for most milk produced in one single lactation by a Holstein. She is bred and owned by Thomas J. Kestell of Waldo, Wis....